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This year’s winter solstice is a personal and a global event. The Mayan Long Count Calendar completes a 13 Baktun Cycle of 5,125 years on Friday, December 21, 2012, *UTC 11:11am. Tomorrow clear some time in your day to connect to thousands of people around our Planet who are holding a focus of gratitude and remembering that  WE ARE ONE;  ONE IS ALL – ALL IS ONE.  As we have learned over years of observing solstice and equinox times, the Winter Solstice is a powerful opportunity to set the stage for the next year. Ask yourself, “Who Am I?”  What do I want to have happen in my life next year?”

Write down a goal for your personal, business and spiritual life that you want to manifest during 2013. Make 2 copies. Place one in a special place to read again at the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox time. (See pp 175-179 in Shamanic Gardening: Timeless Techniques for the Modern Sustainable Garden.)

Because this day is such a powerful transformational time we have the opportunity to take part in the Great Mystery’s light-blessings that are pouring into the air, the water, the earth and into our hearts, emotions and minds. It’s a perfect time to:

  • Vision your greatest DREAM.
  • Imagine the JOY of having PEACE in all relationships.
  • Have every action be ruled by LOVE and compassion.
  • Be aware and acknowledge miracles.
  • Feel and sense the HARMONY that is within all creation of the Circle of Life.

*(UTC=Coordinated Universal Time) Other exact times to observe in United States: 6:11am East Coast; 5:11am Central Time; 4:11am Mountain Time; 3:11 West Coast Time; Hawaii Time 1:11am

Sitting at Sunset Beach in Tarpon Springs, Florida, I felt the oneness with the beauty. In dancing shadows from nearby trees, I created a medicine circle as a healing prayer for someone. As I visualized her sitting in the center of the medicine circle my heart warmed to feel the vast variety of earth’s medicinal energies that were continually moving over and through her body, mind and soul.

You can do the same in your garden. Find a quiet spot to create a medicine circle for someone you know or just for you. Focus your mind on holding the vision of sitting in the center of the circle. The chi-filled wind and the chi-filled radiations from the earth, the sun, the moon and from all the nearby trees, herbs and flowers are being absorbed easily and effortlessly.

Healing is an exchange with a release of the old, an acceptance of the new and an expression of gratitude. Later I thanked the Earth for Her part in the healing by opening a small garden bed for several cleome from a friend’s garden. In my prayers earlier this morning, I thanked the Earth with my heart. The experience has enriched my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!            We give our gratitude and deep appreciation for family, friends, our Ancestors & future generations; to gardeners, caretakers and teachers that help sustain the Earth, Democracy, Art, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Love.

To Mother Earth we give thanks and deep appreciation for giving all that is needed for life;

To the Spirit of Water and all life in water;

To the Plant Kingdom who sustains many life forms;

To all the Edibles and Medicine Herbs who sustain life with health and pleasure;

To the Animal Life who teach us about ourselves;

The Tree Kingdom our support in breath, strength and peace;

The Bird and other Air People who give songs, colors and beauty;

The Nine Sacred Directions who speak to us through the wind;

To the Thunder Beings who renew life by bringing all varieties of chi;

To Grandfather Sun who is life;

To Grandmother Moon who sustains beauty, reflection & love in relationships;

To the Great Unseen Ones who sustain the Circle of Life;

To the Great Mystery, Divine Creator we are grateful;

We are One – One is All.

Celebrating Autumn Equinox 2011
Friday   September 23
2:05AM West Coast       5.05 AM East Coast

It is a time to set the focus only on feeling and expressing gratitude with others all that has been received. Together we begin a walk into the West by slowing down. It’s a good time to get to know yourself by asking:

  • What are the fruits of my harvest this year?
  • How have I changed?  Thoughts?  Emotions?  Spiritual growth?
  • How am I more aware?
  • How has my consciousness changed?
  • Who am I now?

Between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice, we reflect on all that has happened since the Winter Solstice 2010. Because it’s a time to get the ‘soil’ ready for planting new seeds at the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, ask yourself:

  • Who do I want to be?
  • What positive thoughts am I going to hold throughout 2012?
  • For 2012 what seeds do I want to plant for self, family, others and earth wellness?
  • What action can I take throughout 2012 that can sustain earth wellness, peace, love, joy or harmony for seven generations into the future?

When we open our eyes, we see beyond ourselves.

When we open our ears, we listen beyond ourselves.

When we give ourselves over to this attraction we grow in self-awareness.

Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitwch, Seneca Elder & Teacher