Growing your food on the cement floor of a roof is evolving rapidly in the 21st century from the hanging gardens of Babylon.  Mediterranean garden designers of Morocco, Italy and Spain were known for their beautiful garden designs for the roof. These gardens were popular because the architecture included flat terraced patios.

Today, Universities across America are leading the way to installing roof gardens that make an economic impact by reducing the cost of energy to heat or cool their buildings. At the same time, they are providing research for water conservation, sustainable gardening and eco-friendly occupations.

City dwellers are finding that growing their foods in containers that utilize little soil and conserve water is a cost effective, easy and an efficient way to provide food for their families. These micro-gardens demand little space. Because there is very little soil and water involved. They are easy to move in or out of sun’s heat and protect from strong winds. With an outlay of very little cost it is easy to change out the plants to meet new diet demands or a change of season.

Here are two companies that sell garden grow boxes:

Atlantis Corp          Earth Box