Archives for category: tree

Today is the best day of the year to focus on sharing your gratitude with someone.  A year of explosive change has supported a closer look into stability. The sun and the moon can be a good place to start as they are always around,  give life and value.  Trees serve the planet majestically, never complain, supply shade, comfort, protection and also provide nourishment to every member of the Circle of Life.

This year consider imagining yourself in the center of your favorite tree. Breathe with the tree, breathe your love and gratitude into the tree. As you express your grateful thoughts for the tree, expand your mind to reach out to all trees on the earth, in your yard, in your city, in gardens and parks. Take another deep breath in and become ONE with the tree. Then, ask your self:

  • What, for this year 2012, are the fruits of my thoughts? Goals?  Desires?
  • How have I changed:  My thoughts?  My emotions?  My spiritual growth?

To know what ‘seeds to plant’ for 2013 at the time of the Winter Solstice, reflect and ask yourself:

  • Who Am I now?   Who do I want to be in 2013?
  • What do I want to happen in 2013

NOTE: The photo was taken this week at Kanapaha Botanical Garden in Gainesville, Florida. This tree has been reinventing itself  by being a tall tree, an exceptionsl bridge to walk under and nourishment for a variety of plants and teams of wildlife on its branches. My husband Bob & I are very grateful for its presence each time we visit the gardens.

It is very easy to harvest and dry Moringa Tree leaves in just a couple days. Whenever you want some dried leaves, just snap off a branch from the tree and spread the leaves on a thin cloth or a large dinner napkin; if it is humid, a thin cloth allows the air to circulate more easily. Leaves are then spread evenly over the napkin.

The leaves are gently pulled off the tiny branches in the same way you gently pull off leaves from a thyme or rosemary twig. If some tiny twigs are dried with the leaves they are also edible and very easy to remove or re-crush. I store mine in glass jars or in large washed-in-dishwasher yogurt containers. Enjoy the incredible nutrition by sprinkling in your teapot, over salads and breakfast omelets, pour some into the batter of your homemade muffins or biscuits or add more nutrition to shakes and smoothies..

The act of planting a tree is, yes, a simple one. But rich.

Rich in symbolism, rich in personal satisfaction, rich in the exercise of responsibility.

— Michael Fisher, Sierra Club

Today we gathered at Bok Tower Gardens in Florida to remember September 11.

After helping to plant two live oak trees everyone wrote & hung prayers on their branches.

The heartfelt & healing gathering offered a way to find a space of peace in the garden & within our hearts.

We give thanks to the enlightened teachers who have gone before us and those today that help us rediscover our balance, respect and oneness with the Natural world. We are One – One is All.

To Mother Earth we give thanks and deep appreciation for giving all that is needed for our life; To the Spirit of Water and all life in water; To the Plant Kingdom who sustains many life forms; To all the Edibles and Medicine Herbs who sustain life with health and pleasure; To the Animal Life who teach us about ourselves; To the  Tree Kingdom who support our breath, strength and peace; The Bird and other Air People who give songs, colors and beauty; The Nine Sacred Directions who speak to us through the wind; To the Thunder Beings who renew life by bringing all varieties of moisture; To Grandfather Sun who is our life; To Grandmother Moon who sustains beauty with reflection; To the Great Mystery, Divine Creator for continually sending the forces of Love, Peace, Joy and Harmony.